Category Archives: Uncategorized

HBGTP trainees at Chelsea Flower Show

11 June, 2019

On Friday 24th May, seven of our trainees were lucky enough to attend the RHS Young People’s Breakfast at Chelsea Flower Show. The event was compered by Adam Frost of Gardeners’ World, with talks from…

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Stream 1 Trainees Study Tour 2019

22 May, 2019

We recently took our 15 Stream 1 trainees on a tour of gardens in the West Midlands. Accommodation was provided by Pershore Horticultural College. Gardens visited included: Sezincote Hidcote Kiftsgate Compton Verney Hanbury Hall Witley…

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Stream 2 trainees attend Study Block at Wrest Park

21 February, 2019

Our second year Stream 2 trainees recently spent 2 weeks at Wrest Park studying towards their RHS Level 3 Diplomas with tutors from Capel Manor College. During the second week, they sat exams and undertook…

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Oxford trainees visit Wales

5 February, 2019

Our two HBGTP trainees from Oxford Botanic Garden, Robert Taite and Emma McFarline, recently paid a visit to the National Botanic Garden of Wales. They were hosted by apprentices Jen Keyte and Ben Wilde, who…

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Merry Christmas to all!

20 December, 2018

We would like to send a Christmas message to all of our trainees and partners. Thanks for all of your hard work this year! Here is a festive photo of Rowallane, Northern Ireland, taken by…

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Joint Trainee Seminar

28 November, 2018

At the end of October, our 17 new HBGTP trainees travelled to Pullborough in Sussex. They were joined by trainees from the Professional Gardeners Guild scheme and the MacRobert Trust. The trainees spent a very…

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Graduation Ceremony at Wrest Park

3 October, 2018

August 29th 2018 saw both Stream 1 and Stream 2 HBGTP trainees graduate in beautiful sunshine at Wrest Park. This is our third graduation ceremony, with 14 out of 22 trainees attending with friends and…

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Welcome to our new HBGTP Trainees!

7 September, 2018

We are very excited to welcome 17 new trainees onto the Historic and Botanic Garden Trainee Stream 1 Programme. The trainees who were successful out of a very high number of applicants are: Aberglasney: Charlotte…

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Sophie’s Trip

14 June, 2018

Last year Sophie was fortunate enough to attend the inspirational ‘Urban Growth’ conference in Sweden hosted by Julia Andersson and Peter Korn. Peter gave a talk on his method of gardening which involves planting into…

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Round 4 trainees visit Midlands gardens

10 May, 2018

This past weekend saw our 1st year Stream 2 trainees exploring historic gardens in Warwickshire and Worcestershire as part of their Tudors Heritage Garden Module. The group, guided by expert guide John Watkins (Head of…

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Julie’s Magnolias

27 April, 2018

  Recently, one of our trainees, Julie Fairhurst, has taken on the task of updating the mapping and recording of the National Collection of Magnolia at Bodnant Gardens in North West Wales. Equipped with a…

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Stream 2 trainees complete 2 week Study Block

12 February, 2018

Our 1st and 2nd year Stream 2 trainees recently spent a fortnight at Wrest Park, studying for their RHS Level 3 Diplomas under the direction of tutors from Capel Manor College. The trainees sat their…

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Previous HBGTP Trainee appointed as Head Gardener at Perennial’s York Gate

6 February, 2018

Congratulations to Ben Preston, who has recently started work as Head Gardener at Perennial’s York Gate, Leeds. Ben completed a HBGTP placement at Audley End in 2014. Since then, he has worked as Head Gardener…

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Round 3 Trainees visit Georgian Gardens on Heritage Module trip

9 November, 2017

Our 2nd year Stream 2 trainees recently spent a weekend based in Oxford, visiting a variety of landscape gardens to learn more about this era of garden design. The weekend was led by Dr Michael…

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2nd year Trainee Dave Bull travels to USA

2 November, 2017

With financial assistance from the RHS bursary scheme and the Great Dixter Christopher Lloyd bursary, David was able to travel to and spend two weeks working at the famous Longwood Gardens in Philadelphia. An excellently…

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Record numbers graduate from HBGTP Scheme

30 August, 2017

Thursday the 24th of August saw 25 HBGTP trainees graduate in beautiful sunshine at English Heritage’s Wrest Park, Bedfordshire. Trainees graduating come from a range of backgrounds. For some, joining the scheme marked the first…

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Trentham trainee Alex visits Audley End

10 August, 2017

One of our current trainees at Trentham, Alex Clarke, enjoyed an exchange visit to Audley End recently. Pictured are Audley End trainees Fred Stratford and Anna Cartwright with Trentham trainee Alex (front). The trainees got…

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Sophie Cook visits Romania on the AGS Study Tour

8 August, 2017

Sophie says: ”I was fortunate enough to receive funding from the RHS to join a study tour run by the Alpine Garden Society (AGS) to view alpine species in Romania this summer. Over a period…

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Our new HBGTP Training Support Officer

8 August, 2017

We are delighted to announce that we have appointed a new Training Support Officer for the HBGTP. Joanne Illsley begins work this week (part-time: Monday, Thursday and Friday). Jo’s role involves visiting the trainees at…

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New HBGTP Manager appointed

1 June, 2017

We are pleased to announce that the HBGTP has recruited a new Manager! Elinor Davies will be a familiar face to many of you as she has been with the HBGTP for nearly 2 years…

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