About the Programme

What we do

The HBGTP represents a truly exceptional opportunity for committed and enthusiastic horticulturists to progress their careers. By working alongside the professional teams within exceptional British gardens, trainees build a solid technical knowledge and acquire high-level practical skills. Placements are fully-funded, with a salary of at least the National Living Wage. Placements last for one year and include both hands-on experience and regular testing of knowledge.

The finest gardens

Trainees are placed in some of Britain’s most beautiful and elegant gardens. Recent placements include Queen Victoria’s Osborne gardens on the Isle of Wight, the magnificent gardens of Picton Castle, and the beautifully restored gardens of Wrest Park.

A history of success, securing the future

Since the HBGBS (the precursor of the HBGTP) was founded in 2006, the programme has provided garden placements for over 300 trainees. We’re proud to have opened doors for so many passionate and talented horticulturists. Through sharing professional skills and strengthening gardens teams, the HBGTP has made a significant contribution towards securing the future of our historic gardens.

To find out more information about our traineeships click here.

To discover our current placement gardens click here.


My Thoughts...

Having full time practical experience side-by-side to experienced gardeners and expert horticulturalists every day, coupled with the obligation of fortnightly plant identification tests and the three research projects, collectively made for a highly productive year of immersion to kick start a career in horticulture.

Thomas Wright, Trainee at Osborne