‘Tulips and Other Bulbs’: Meet the experts from the RHS Bulb Committee

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Part of the Forde Abbey Tulip Festival 6th May 2016
Over 20,000 tulips will be in bloom at the Forde Abbey Tulip Festival which runs from 30th April – 15th May with spectacular swathes of colour to enjoy in the borders and grounds of this former Cistercian monastery.
As part of the festival, experts from the RHS Bulb Committee are running a day of Q and A talks on Friday 6th May on the theme of tulips and bulbs which compliment them in the garden from Spring to Summer.
10.30am Growing lilies and fritillaries from seed by Nuala Sterling (RHS Lily Group) with illustrations of lily species and instructions
A display of English Florist Tulips from the Wakefield & NW England Tulip Society
11.30 Bulbs throughout the year, an informal talk by Christine Skelmersdale of Broadleigh Gardens, plus ‘Identify the Bulb’ competition
12.30 Choosing and growing tulip bulbs, Q&A with Chris Blom of Bloms Bulbs (blomsbulbs.com)
2pm Q&A session on bulbs with Christine Skelmersdale, (broadleighbulbs.co.uk), Alan Street, (avonbulbs.co.uk), Chris Blom (blomsbulbs.com), Matt Bishop(Galanthus enthusiast) and Nuala Sterling (rhslilygroup.org) – plus ‘Identify the Bulb’ competition.
To book: Telephone 01460 220231, £12 admission, £10 RHS members, to include admission to the gardens and a cup of tea and slice of cake.